Meaning of the Lyrics in Details
Let’s start with my commentary piece by piece of the song.So, let’s start with the first lines:
“I’m feeling the way that I’m feeling myself Fuck everyone else Gotta remember that nobody is better than anyone else, here”
(To me, these lyrics speak to a moment of self-empowerment. It’s like the singer is saying, “I am who I am, and no one else’s opinions matter.” It’s a strong statement about valuing oneself equally in the grand scheme of things.)
Moving on, let’s consider this part:
“Look what they do to you Look what they do to me Must be joking if you think that either one is free, here”
(This part could mean how society imposes certain constraints on individuals. The singer might be suggesting that neither he nor the listener is truly free due to societal expectations or pressure.)
Now let’s delve into these lines:
“Hello, my name is human And I came down from the stars”
(Wow! Here, the singer identifies himself as a human but also points out our cosmic origin. It’s like he’s saying we’re more than just our earthly selves—we’re connected to something bigger, the universe itself.)
Next up, we have:
“I’m ready for love, and I’m ready for war But I’m ready for more”
(It sounds like the singer is prepared for any challenge or experience life throws his way. Love, war, whatever—it’s all part of the human experience.)
Then we come to:
“Hello, my name is human I stole the power from the sun I’m more than just a man”
(Here, the singer further emphasizes the idea that we’re more than just our physical selves. By saying he ‘stole the power from the sun’, he could be referring to harnessing inner strength or tapping into universal energy.)
Finally, let’s talk about:
“Hello, my name is human (and what are the chances) I’m not asking questions And I know who I am (so you keep your answers) I’m not asking questions I’m taking my chances”
(To me, these closing lyrics indicate self-assurance. The singer doesn’t need to ask questions—he knows who he is and he’s ready to take risks. It’s a powerful statement about embracing one’s identity and stepping forward with confidence.)
That’s my take on “My Name is Human”. It’s a powerful anthem about self-discovery, self-worth, and a cosmic connection. What do you think?

Meaning of the Song My Name is Human by Highly Suspect
The song My Name is Human by Highly Suspect has a key meaning that resonates with me on a deep level. It’s like a raw, visceral reminder of our shared humanity and the connection we have with the universe.
When I listen to the lyrics, “Hello, my name is human, and I came down from the stars,” it’s like a slap in the face of our complacency. It compels us to remember that we’re not just here, but we’re part of something larger – the cosmos, the stars.
The part where it says “Get up off your knees, girl, stand face to face with your God and find out what you are” feels like an encouragement for self-discovery. It feels like a shoutout to everyone who’s been marginalized or told they’re less than. It’s empowering.
Also, when I hear “I’m ready for love, and I’m ready for war,” I can’t help but think about the internal battles we fight every day. The fight for self-love, self-acceptance… and sometimes even the fight against ourselves. It’s like the artist is acknowledging that reality.
When he sings “The bigger the river, the bigger the drought,” I get this sense of contrast between abundance and scarcity. This line makes me think of life’s highs and lows – the good times can feel like a vast river, but then we can also experience these periods of drought where it seems everything dries up.
I also love how it ends with “I stole the power from the sun. I’m more than just a man.” To me, it suggests this idea of harnessing your own power, stepping out of societal constraints and becoming more than what’s expected of you.
In many ways, I feel like Highly Suspect captured so much of the human experience in this song. They encapsulated our trials, our tribulations, our hopes, and our dreams.
These are just my interpretations, though. It’s the beauty of music, right? It touches everyone differently. But no matter how you interpret it, there’s no denying that My Name is Human is a powerful anthem to our shared humanity and personal discovery.
Music Video
The music video, in my opinion, epitomizes the struggle of identity and purpose. The entire narrative revolves around a humanoid female robot and her creator. There’s something eerily captivating about their dynamic, right?
The humanoid appears void of emotion and understanding, very much like a newborn trying to make sense of its surroundings. We see the creator studying her closely, possibly indicating his quest for perfection. It feels a bit like he’s playing God, doesn’t it?
This brings us to one of the major themes of the video – the human desire for control and perfection. But what is really perfect? It’s all a bit twisted, isn’t it?
I think there’s a lot to unpack with the scene where the creator places the mirror in front of the humanoid. She gazes at her reflection, but do we think she recognizes herself? I’m not so sure. It’s a powerful moment though.
I can’t help but feel that this scene symbolizes self-awareness and introspection, essential characteristics of being human.
It’s also interesting how the song title “My Name is Human” coincides with this theme. Could it mean that despite our imperfections and mistakes, our identity and existence are inherently human?
The video ends on a high note with the humanoid walking out into the world, independent and free. Could this be her journey towards discovering her own humanity?
Why I Wrote About Highly Suspect Today
So, there I was, kicked back in my favorite chair, headphones on, lost in the rhythm of the world. You know, one of those days when nothing seems to be going your way? Yeah, that was my day. I had just hit play on Highly Suspect’s ‘My Name is Human’ and I gotta tell you, it hit differently that day.
The way Johnny Stevens belts out, “I’m up off my knees girl“, it’s like he was speaking to me. My day had me on my knees, metaphorically speaking – from the crack of dawn till dusk, everything seemed to be against me.
But then this song played and something shifted within me. It’s almost as if it screamed at me: “Nalani, you’re human“. It’s okay to have bad days; it’s okay to not be okay all the time because that’s what being human is about.
The song sorta became a refuge for me. Its lyrics were echoing my own thoughts and feelings – making me feel seen and heard in a world that often feels so vast and indifferent. Do you ever feel like that?
But here’s the line that really resonated with me: “I’m ready for love and I’m ready for war“. It made me realize – no matter how tough our days get, we gotta be ready for anything life throws our way. We gotta keep fighting, keep pushing, keep loving and never forget that we’re human.
So yeah, that’s what ‘My Name is Human’ means to me – it’s a reminder of my humanity on days when life gets tough. A nudge to remind myself that it’s okay to have bad days and it’s okay to feel overwhelmed.
And you know what? I think we all need that reminder sometimes. So if you’re feeling a little low, put on some Highly Suspect and remember, your name is human too.